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menschen/ porträts: kids: alice in wonderland - a science fiction story
alice in wonderland - a science fiction story
table of contents
chapter 1 - where alice wanders astray in the iron jungle and finds an old coach
chapter 2 - where alice leaves a message, enters a big raft and and runs aground on the shores of a green island
chapter 3 - where alice is trapped but escapes onto the watchmens' tower
chapter 4 - where alice founds herself in front of a huge red wall and gets to a broken glass house
chapter 5 - where alice is caught by the nightfall and seeks shelter in a painters shop
chapter 6 - where alice decides to have a rest on the red wall since she is on her wits end
chapter 7 - where alice stumbles upon an old book which describes the way home
chapter 8 - where alice finds the way out from the story and goes home
- lewis carroll: alice's adventures in wonderland/ illustrations: sir john tenniel
- photographs of alice liddell by lewis carroll
- a lewis carroll site
another alice:
- alices dinnerparty, one of the fulminant productions of raum13 in cologne
other shootings at the same location
- leoni
- cinderella
- karolin-colours
- karolin-colours/ popular edition
- lena
- jump
- even more lena
- adeolescence
- the blue book
- the pink book
- the white book
- the black book
- im himmel
more photographic quotations
- leonies introductory course in literature: pearl. s. buck
- leonies introductory course in literature: nabokov
- leonies introductory course in literature: prosper merimeé
english - e-mail - adresse/ impressum/ agb -